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Monday, July 27, 2015

Consultancy- She Can Project, ActionAid, Global

Consultancy Opportunity: Action Research & Evaluation

Consultancy Opportunity: Action Research & EvaluationActionAid and DFID are looking to recruit an independent consultant (or consultancy team) to support action research and the final evaluation of a multi-country project tackling violence against women and girls in urban areas, in cities in Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar and Zimbabwe.
The ‘She Can’ project aims to tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG) in public spaces within urban areas in four countries and promote women’s rights to the city. The project is being implemented by ActionAid and partners, and funded through the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) through the UK Aid Match funding mechanism. This project aims to increase the safety, mobility, access to justice and gender-responsive public services for 60,990 women and girls living in poverty and exclusion, who are vulnerable to violence in 20 urban areas in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
 The project started in November 2014 and will finish in November 2017.ActionAid and DFID plan to conduct a joint study of the She Can project with the support of a consultancy team. The primary purpose of the study will be to test the project’s theory of change and deepen understanding of how change happens in relation to reducing VAWG in urban areas. 
An evaluation is sought that will apply an action research approach over the life-cycle of the project, through three phases. It is intended that the consultant(s) will: review programme intervention strategies, develop appropriate monitoring tools and learning strategy to help refine the theory of change (phase 1); support targeted data collection and review at six monthly intervals and identify where outcomes are likely to be achieved (phase 2); conduct a theory-based evaluation involving an in-depth case study in two countries to verify outcomes and further unpack change processes between particularly relevant parts of the theory of change that have shown the promise to contribute towards development impact (phase 3). DFID and ActionAid are thus looking to recruit an independent consultant (or consultancy team) to provide high-level technical advice on the evaluation’s design and to oversee and implement the phased evaluation, generating robust, credible and contextualised evidence relating to the project. 
The full Terms of Reference including details of how to apply are available on the ActionAid International website: The deadline for applying is Friday 7th August. We are aiming to select the consultant by early September (interviews provisionally scheduled the week of the 7th September).

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