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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

USAID Youth Coordinator, USAID, Washington DC USA

USAID Youth Coordinator

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications to fill the assignment of Agency Youth Coordinator. The assignment will be located in USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DCHA/DRG Center), however this is an Agency-wide position as described in the assignment description.
Deadline: March 18, 2015
Location: Washington DC, USA
Organization: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) 
Position:                                USAID Youth Coordinator
Host Office:                            USAID’s Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG Center)
Salary:                                    In the range of $107,826- $158,700, depending on salary history (Equivalent to General Schedule (GS) 14/ 15))
Period of Performance:        Two to three years (negotiable)
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications to fill the assignment of Agency Youth Coordinator. The assignment will be located in USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DCHA/DRG Center), however this is an Agency-wide position as described in the assignment description.
Applications must contain the following materials:
a)      Completed resume that includes: Paid and non-paid experience, job title, location(s), and dates held (month/year).  Dates (month/year) and locations for all field experience must also be detailed.  Any experience that does not include dates (month/year) and locations will not be counted towards meeting the necessary requirements.
b)      Specific duties performed that fully detail the level and complexity of the work.
c)      Names and contact information (phone/email) of your current and/or previous supervisor(s). Current and/or previous supervisors may be contacted for a reference.
d)     Education and any other qualifications including job-related training courses, job-related skills, or job-related honors, awards or accomplishments.
e)      U.S. Citizenship.
Your resume should contain sufficient information to make a valid determination that you fully meet the education and experience requirements of the assignment.  Education should be at least at a Master’s degree level in an area of study relevant to the assignment, such as but not limited to international development or relations, youth development, education, or the social and health sciences. At least fifteen years of professional experience is preferred, of which some is in youth development and/or youth engagement. International experience is preferred.
Applicants can expect to receive a confirmation email when application materials have been received.  Your complete resume should be sent to the following email address by the closing date on the announcement:
Questions concerning this assignment may be directed to the Youth Coordinator Search team at the above-mentioned email address.
USAID Youth Coordinator
Assignment Description
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is the United States' premier foreign assistance agency.  Over its more than 50 year history, the Agency has supported long-term and equitable economic growth, democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance throughout the developing world.  In recent years, given demographic trends and the reality that up to 70% of the population of many of the countries in which USAID operates is under the age of 30, the Agency has renewed its attention to young people and ensuring their needs and concerns are reflected in its policies, programs and procedures.  In 2012, USAID produced its first Agency-wide policy on youth in development (YID), elevating the role of young people in development. While many fear the “youth bulge,” viewing it as a security concern, the policy speaks of it as an opportunity to leverage an untapped resource.  These young people, if given the necessary support, can help spur economic growth and provide a “demographic dividend” that ensures development benefits for generations to come.
USAID’s Youth in Development (YID) Policy mandates the appointment of an Agency Youth Coordinator in order to ensure the Agency is able to fulfill the YID Policy goals and objectives:
“AID/A will designate an Agency coordinator responsible for youth development issues to advocate for and integrate youth into Agency initiatives, oversee policy coherence, support implementation and training, and to serve as a senior representative on youth issues in the interagency and external community, in coordination with bureaus, missions, and relevant Agency coordinators.”
The policy draws on USAID’s expansive experience in working with young people, while elevating youth to ensure they are equal stakeholders in development and that their issues and concerns are integrated across all of the Agency’s policies, programs, and processes. The goal of the policy is to “Improve the capacities and enable the aspirations of youth so that they can contribute to and benefit from more stable, democratic, and prosperous communities and nations.”  The two core objectives—strengthening youth programming, participation and partnership in support of Agency development objectives (objective 1), and mainstreaming and integrating youth issues and engage young people across Agency initiatives and operations (objective 2)--will serve as the foundation of the Coordinator’s efforts during his/her time with USAID. 
To fulfill the Youth in Development Policy’s mandate, USAID will engage an expert to serve as the Agency’s Youth Coordinator for a period of two to three years to assist in the implementation of the policy and in overseeing and strengthening USAID’s efforts on behalf of young people, with a view toward institutionalizing the functions specified in the policy within Agency processes and initiatives.  It is anticipated that the core work of the Coordinator can be completed during this time frame and that the necessary functions for coordination will be institutionalized within the Agency.  If more time is needed, the Coordinator will work with USAID Senior Leadership to address this challenge, either by extending the assignment or proposing another solution.
The Youth Coordinator’s duties and mandate are Agency-wide; however for management and supervision, s/he will be located within the Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance of the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA/DRG) at USAID in Washington, DC. The Coordinator reports to and receives support from DCHA/DRG; however, s/he will have regular briefings with USAID’s  Deputy Administrator and Chief Strategy Officer to ensure s/he has the necessary support and authority from the Agency’s senior leadership to fulfill her/his duties and responsibilities. S/he will also meet with the Administrator, as necessary, to keep him/her apprised of the implementation of the policy, advise him or her on issues related to youth, and seek his/her support in advancing policy goals and objectives, including integrating youth development principles into Agency initiatives and processes.
Core Duties and Responsibilities
  • Strategic guidance: Advise USAID leadership on matters related to youth and youth development and work to elevate youth issues and institutionalize processes within the Agency to ensure youth development principles are incorporated into all aspects of the Agency’s work.
  • Policy implementation and oversight: Serve as USAID’s central point of contact responsible for overseeing implementation of USAID’s YID Policy, including providing oversight and coordination of agency resources, programs, initiatives, and activities related to youth, and of the development of processes and technical guidance to assist USAID Missions in integrating youth. This will be achieved through close collaboration with the Agency’s Youth Corps, which is USAID’s Intra-Agency Youth Working Group.
  • Coordination: Lead and provide support to the “Youth Corps”[2], and facilitate coordination and collaboration with other issues-focused groups and communities within the intra- and interagency (i.e., Gender Working Group, Children in Adversity, LGBT champions, etc.)
  • Representation and Outreach: Represent USAID on youth-related issues in meetings with other USG agencies, donors, foreign governments, multilateral institutions, and other external stakeholders, and advocate for the elevation of youth issues within the interagency and in the broader development community. 
Scope of Work for the Agency Youth Coordinator 
During the assignment, the Agency Youth Coordinator will carry out the following specific tasks related to each of the functions above.  Once assigned, the Youth Coordinator will work with her/his operational unit, with assistance from the Youth Corps, to develop an annual work plan to prioritize the specific tasks to be completed each year.
(1.a)  Advise the USAID Administrator and other senior leaders on salient concerns, needs and issues of young people, particularly as they relate to the successful implementation of USAID’s Youth in Development Policy and to other relevant agency and interagency policies, strategies and initiatives 
(1.b)  Engage with Agency and Bureau leadership to identify issues, opportunities, and /or gaps in foreign assistance policies, programs, and initiatives that affect young people. This includes working across bureaus and offices in a cross-sectoral manner to ensure adequate funding for youth programs (including research and evaluation), that investments are based on solid and emerging evidence, and that youth development principles are adequately integrated into sector specific programs.
(1.c) Where appropriate, participate in Senior Management and Expanded Senior Staff meetings to represent youth-related issues and concerns.  
(2.a) Serve as the Agency Point of Contact responsible for overseeing YID policy implementation, including tracking completion of YID Action Plan tasks, working closely with the Youth Corps to ensure all lines of work are on track and work products completed. Report to Agency leadership and other stakeholders on the status of the YID Action Plan.
(2.b)  Assess and monitor USAID activities to ensure compatibility with the Youth in Development Policy and other relevant policies and initiatives, both internal and external to USAID, and make recommendations for adjustments where necessary.
(3.a) Lead intra-agency coordination on youth-related issues, and support Bureau-led youth initiatives and efforts, including but not limited to:
○     Coordinating and supporting the work of  the Youth Points of Contact (YPOCs) and champions in USAID Bureaus, Offices and Missions, primarily through the Youth Corps;  
○     Leading USAID’s intra-agency youth working group, the Youth Corps, to synergize, maximize, leverage, coordinate, and/or create opportunities across the Agency; 
○     Liaising and identifying opportunities for collaboration with other Agency groups and coordinators working on related topics, including Children in Adversity, Gender-based Violence, Ending Child Marriage, LGBT, Disabilities, and Gender teams, among others;
○     Through the authority of the Agency’s Front Office, ensuring the development of internal Agency training/staff development and technical guidance related to the YID policy, including the development of a How To Note and cross-Bureau sharing of sector-specific youth guidance(s);
○     Aggregating data at the Agency level on youth related-issues, including leading efforts to map existing youth programs, funding levels, etc.;
○     Leading efforts to strengthen monitoring and evaluation systems related to youth, including the development of youth indicators and systems and procedures for coordinating/tracking youth programming;
○     Coordinating Agency responses to taskers related to youth and developing communications materials to advance the youth agenda.
(3.b) Liaise with critical youth programs and initiatives in the Agency, including, but not limited to President Obama’s Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) and the Young Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative (YSEALI), and the Agency’s flagship cross-sectoral youth program, YouthPower.  The Coordinator will be invited to join YouthPower Steering Committee meetings as an observer when s/he is available.
(3.c) Working closely with the Youth Corps and the YouthPower Steering Committee to develop and facilitate internal and external Youth communities of practice. 
(3.d) If time permits, develop, convene and provide support to youth-related advisory groups, such as a Senior Advisory Group on Youth (composed of Agency leaders supportive of the youth agenda); an External Experts Advisory Group (composed of external experts and charged with advising YID implementation); and a Youth Advisory Group (composed of youth activists working in development or from countries in which USAID operates).
(4.a)  Represent USAID in meetings with other USG agencies, Congress, foreign governments, multilateral institutions, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders on issues relating to youth and youth development, in coordination with USAID Bureaus, Offices, and Missions.
(4.b) Develop and implement a strategic communications plan to promote USAID’s youth activities and priorities.
Period of Performance
The assignment is expected to last for two to three years (negotiable), and will being as soon as possible, once necessary clearances are obtained.
Any questions concerning this assignment may be directed to: Youth Coordinator Search,
USAID, Youth in Development: Realizing the Demographic Opportunity (Washington, DC: USAID, 2012), 18.
The working group of youth champions has a long history of advancing youth issues within the Agency, but requires a central coordinator in order to advance the implementation of the policy.  The Youth Coordinator will help fulfill this central coordinating function while at the same time helping to ensure the Bureau and Office youth leads are empowered to engage in Agency-wide youth efforts, which is critical for the effective implementation of the policy. 
Article License: Copyright - Article License Holder: USAID

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